Sedation Instructions

 Dental Sedation Instructions


Sedation is helpful for those who are very apprehensive, nervous, or slightly uncooperative during dental treatment.  It is used to calm, relax, and reduce anxiety or discomfort associated with dental procedures. The medication is a small pill taken with a glass of water.  We find it a valuable adjunct for many people needing dental treatment.  

There are different levels of sedation.  We use ‘Conscious Sedation’ which is a light, or low level of sedation. Though conscious sedation causes drowsiness and you may even fall asleep during treatment, you will not become unconscious. All your normal defense mechanisms are awake and you are responsive.  Mostly you feel relaxed and less anxious.

 For the Patient: 

·       Please notify us of any change in your health or medications.

·       Patient must have no chance of pregnancy and must not use any alcohol, new medications, or street drugs that could interact with the sedation medicine.

·       The only food the morning of your appointment should be toast and clear liquid. 

·       Take the medicine as instructed.   Absorption of oral medicines can be variable.

·       Arrive a few minutes early so that you can use the restroom just prior to your appointment.

·       Be careful while medication is taking effect and afterwards as your coordination and behavior may be altered.  No driving or knife sharpening.

·       Plan on a few hours after your appointment without anything to do.  Watch a movie!


For your Caregiver/Ride: 

·       The patient must not drive for a few hours after the appointment.  Your role is to transport the patient home and remain with them for a few hours.  Their judgment may be impaired, so be especially careful around stairs, sharp objects, etc.

·       The patient may want to sleep which is normal and okay.

·       Eating is okay when they are comfortable to do so.  We recommend plenty of fluids and a light meal that requires little chewing.  Celebrate with a smoothie!  We want to avoid biting areas of the mouth that may still be numb.

·       Thanks for your help in making this necessary treatment go well for all.

·       Call our office at 503 641-5667 if any questions arise.  We appreciate a follow-up report.

Alder & Mitchell Family Dentistry
Personalized Family Dental Care

Portland Dentists, Beaverton Dentists, Dr. James Alder & Dr. Jerem Mitchell are dental professionals dedicated to General, Family & Cosmetic Dentistry such as Dental Exams, Cleanings, X-rays, Fluoride, Dental Makeovers, Teeth Whitening, Veneers, Crowns, & more. Please come and visit Portland, OR dentists James Alder & Jerem Mitchell, DMD.


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